Cam DeSilva

Foundation geologist at Hess Corporation

About Me

I'm currently an early-career geologist working for Hess Corporation since 2023. I'm currently working in exploration on new ventures in Atlantic margins.

I earned my M.S. in geology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison in 2023, and my B.S. in geology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2020. My research focuses on using geochemistry to understand timing, rates and processes related to subduction. 

I am from a small town in suburban Chicago. I grew up camping on the shores of Lake Michigan, looking at outcrops of the Michigan and Illinois basins. I discovered a love for Earth sciences at Waubonsee Community College. I am an avid outdoorsman, reader, birder and runner. Most Saturdays I volunteer at my local food pantry in Houston, speaking Spanish and distributing groceries.

My Research

(2023) This is my M.S. thesis work published in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research. My coauthors and I describe the Paso Puyehue tephra (PPT) from the Antillanca Volcanic Complex in southern Chile. We combined field observations with EPMA measurements on minerals and glass and numerical modeling of magma evolution in MELTS (Ghiorso and Gualda, 2012). We found the compositional zoning in the tephra to be generated via fractional crystallization, not magma mixing.

Poster: Origin of the compositionally zoned Paso Puyehue tephra deposit, Antillanca Volcanic Complex, Chile

(2023) poster presented at AGU 2023 on the Paso Puyehue Tephra.

(2020) A research poster on the preliminary results from my senior thesis work. Presented at the University of Illinois 2020 SESE Research Review.

(2020) My senior thesis on a long term thermal history of the Beartooth Mountains in Montana. This models the thermal history of the last ~2Ga of the Beartooth Mountains with (U-Th)/He thermochronology.

(2019) Here's my (first ever) poster of my work analyzing the structure and faults of  the Santa Rosalia Basin in Baja California. This is a product from the Baja Basins IRES, 2019.

Technical Experience

Research Interests